Monday, November 16, 2009

Introducing Mister Sexyhearts

[A note from Ben: I have several friends who will be guest posting from time to time. Here's a post from the fabulous Mister Sexyhearts, advice columnist. We're honored to have him here!]

Dear Mister Sexyhearts,
I have an amazing girlfriend. She's beautiful, funny, smart, and we "click" like you wouldn't believe. I know I want to marry her some day. So what's the problem? I hate to admit it, but things are getting a little dull in the bedroom. What can I do to liven things up?

Bored in the Bedroom

Dear Bored,
Never fear! If you're bored in the bedroom, there are many things you can do. Consider new window treatments or a fresh coat of paint. Sometimes the smallest change can make all the difference! Brighter colors add life to a room, while darker colors give the space a rich, mysterious air. You might also want to hang a new piece of art, whether it's a soothing landscape or a vibrant abstract work. Can't afford to spend any money right now? No sweat: simply rearrange the furniture. You can do wonders without spending a dime. Good luck in your home improvement quest! Oh, and hang on to that girlfriend: it sounds like you two have an utterly perfect relationship.

Readers: please keep the questions coming! Mister Sexyhearts is perceptive and savvy in the ways of life and love, and he wants to help you. Yes, you! Write to him now. Don't live a sad and problem-filled life tangy with the aftertaste of missed opportunities and ruined love. Ask a wise soul for help, and help you shall have.

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